CMU Band Band Day Uniform Update – High School Marching Band

CMU Band Band Day Uniform Update – High School Marching Band

As we have mentioned in previous posts, we have been in communication with CMU and other participating Band Day Directors.  At this point, all the other participating schools have now decided to wear their summer uniforms and we will be doing the same.  Summer uniform consists of our white Beatles t-shirt and shorts.  All Beatles t-shirts have now been distributed. Students do need to have appropriate SHOES and SOCKS that they can march in.

With this uniform change, we hope to have an enjoyable and memorable event for all students!  We will do our best to stay out of the sun whenever possible.  PLEASE MAKE SURE STUDENTS HAVE SUNBLOCK AND WATER.

We are still accepting donations of cases of water.  If you can help, we would greatly appreciate it.


CMU Band Day and Projected Forecast

CMU Band Day and Projected Forecast – High School Marching Band

We are watching the weather carefully and making plans to keep the kids cool if the temperatures do reach into the 90’s on Saturday.

There has been discussion among the participating band directors on what their bands will be wearing because of the heat.  As of now, we will be wearing our our white show t-shirts and athletic shorts for the morning rehearsal.  After we change into uniform will will wear the bibbers and t-shirts in the stands until half time where we will put on the coats and shakos.  We will not use gauntlets or gloves for any part of the show.   This plan may still change based on input from the other directors.

Sign Up Genius – Volunteers Needed for Chocolate Sale!

The chocolate sale is the Bronco Band’s largest and most profitable fundraiser. All of the bands benefit from the profits earned.Please consider volunteering to help make this chocolate sale a huge success. The times and dates we are in need of volunteers are listed on the sign up genius link below. We could not do this fundraiser without your help! Thank you!