We need your help to make the Homecoming parade and game a success. This event takes extra help to get the kids ready for the parade, fed before the game, and game ready. Please sign up for the Sept. 27th festivities and donate your time.
We are looking for a couple Middle School parents to help run the swag table during the game so those parents with High School kids in the band don’t have to miss their kids playing before the game and at half time.
**If you want to volunteer your time this season, you MUST complete a background check. You can do this at the Administration Office. Office hours are Monday – Thursdays 8am – 2pm.
Wednesday, September 18th, 6:30 in the High School Band Room
The High School Bands participate in travel opportunities every couple of years.You may be familiar with the New York trip the bands take every four years, but we also schedule travel opportunities every 2 years, or in between the New York trip.This school year is a two-year trip.The two-year trip will often change locations but is designed to be budget-friendly while offering a rich and cultural opportunity for our students.We have enlisted the help of Bennett Travel, who always plans our New York trip, to provide us with an itinerary for this year.After careful consultation, we decided on Chicago.The Chicago trip would be an overnight trip and less than half the cost of what the New York trip is.The trip provides several cultural opportunities such as Museums, Aquariums, Navy Pier, Sightseeing, Shopping, and two full-group dinners.The most important aspect of the trip, however, is the opportunity to hear the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Broadway Riverdance production.We want the students to have a rich cultural opportunity that they may not experience otherwise without this experience.We hope to build a true appreciation for the arts while offering a well-rounded travel experience.
Jeff Bennett will be here to answer questions and present the full trip.If you are not able to attend, we will provide a video; however, please plan on attending in person if possible.Cost breakdown and details will be presented and finalized at the meeting.All payments are now online through Bennett Travel.
Homecoming Week
Monday, September 23rd 6:30-8:30 Marching Band Rehearsal
Friday, September 27th 3:00-End of Game Homecoming Performances
Hello Bronco Band Supporters, it’s that time of year for our annual chocolate fundraiser and we need your help. We need help collecting payments, unsold chocolate bars, and distributing candy bars to students that would like to sell more at South Elementary, the Middle School, and the High School starting Sept. 23.
We need your help to make the games a success. Please sign up for the Friday Sept. 6th game. We need additional support this week with getting the students in their uniforms.
We are looking for a couple Middle School parents to help run the swag table during the game so those parents with High School kids in the band don’t have to miss their kids playing before the game and at half time.
**If you want to volunteer your time this season, you MUST complete a background check. You can do this at the Administration Office. Office hours are Monday – Thursdays 8am – 2pm.
Mr. Greg VanStrien Band Director - High School Lead About Mr. VanStrien E-Mail
(616) 997-3522 Mrs. Lisa Borst Band Director - Middle School Lead About Mrs. Borst E-Mail
(616) 997-3420 directors@coopersvillebands.org goes to both band directors