Silent Auction during the Banquet and Auditorium Show – Important Information!

Please have a detailed description with student’s name, grade, and item(s) being donated to Beth at by Thursday October 18th, 9pm so bid sheets can be made ahead of time.
Drop off your items when you come on Saturday- find your bid sheet and place your item by the bid sheet (helpers will be available).
Tables will close about 5 minutes before the auditorium show starts.
Pick up your items after the show- check the items you bid on- if you won the bid, bring the item(s) and the bid sheet to the
check out table.  Payable by cash, check, or major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or America Express- there will be a nominal convenience fee).  There will be 4 checkout lanes- one of which will be for credit cards.
Whatever the student donated, the whole proceeds go to the student’s trip account.
Thank you for your support!

Homecoming Bronco Band Spirit Table

Show your Bronco Band support by visiting the Spirit table tonight!

The Band Boosters with have a table set up at the north end of the football stadium tonight for Homecoming!  We will be selling our cool band shirts, Bronco rally towels, band logo shirts and Coopersville Broncos Signs!  Cash and Checks only please!  We hope to see you tonight.  Thank you for your support!

Band Booster Update

CHOCOLATE SALE: We still have a lot of money due for chocolate, so please bring it is by the end of this week so we can get it wrapped up! High School students can continue to check chocolate out if they have paid for all other boxes and we have some left.
**Please remember that 5th grade through 8th grade student sales will go to the general fund. The 9th through 12th grade student first box sales will go toward the general fund and any additional boxes sold will go towards their band trip.
HOMECOMING: We are in need of 2 more volunteers for Friday’s festivities! Wow, thanks to everyone that has signed up so far!
HUNGRY HOWIES PIZZA COUPONS: We had a profit of $6,404.28. Thank you to everyone that participated.
Any questions: