May 7, 2018 Minutes

Coopersville Band Boosters

Board Meeting

Monday, May 7, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:00p

In attendance- Amy Karns, Greg VanStrien, Lisa Borst, Michelle Callahan, Sue Bennett, Keli Nobert, Karen Pike, Susan Borek, Rob Hardenburgh, Christine Sprague, Beth Mast

Guest- Selina Brown- Blue Lake International

  • $350 scholarship request- motion carried
  • Personal pop can drive- to be announced at spring concert.


  • April Meeting minutes approved with financial comment correction.
  • Financial
    • Bank statement reviewed and approved.
    • Payment request form- via google drive. Submit via email.
    • Marching uniform dry cleaning, Menards, Amazon receipts submitted.
    • Go Daddy (old website) auto fee cancelled.
    • Non-profit tax statement filed for 2017.
  • Fundraisers- reminders in newsletter.
    • Family Fare receipts- $40,000 of $150,000 goal. Collection box at concerts.
    • Amazon Smile- still active.
    • Hungry Howies- went well. 1 returned check. Will check with Kari Fuller on how to resolve.
    • SCRIP- Active. Amy Karns- coordinator; instructional flyer at spring concert/website; $1 card order fee; first card order 6/4/18.
    • Chocolate Sale- fall sale- 1st box (boosters), subsequent boxes (student account)
  • Uniforms- Christine S
    • Marching- wall racks to be installed in summer; uniforms dry cleaned/inventoried by measurement; students to be fit at band camp; new check out/check in system- run by directors/ student leadership team.
    • Concert- will be dry cleaned/inventoried before fall. Middle school polos collected and washed. Thank you Christine!

Band Director’s Report

  • Spring concert- parent help needed- uniforms/ booster table (parents assigned); marching band commitment forms to be collected.
  • Memorial Day Parade
    • New t shirts- Total $2320/$1398 paid to Running Stitches.
    • Ice cream party- ice cream sold to boosters at cost by Top Dog & Dairy. Motion for up to $50 for ice cream/cones- carried. Rob Hardenburgh to coordinate.
  • Graduation- uniform help needed- assigned.
  • Drumline, Pit & Drum Major tryouts- in process.
  • Master Calendar- all events/help needed for 2018/2019 school year. Amy K to coordinate master list.
  • 154 marching next year.

New Business

  • Flower sale- 5th/6th, 7th/8th- yes. High school- no. Beth M to coordinate. Motion carried.
  • Facebook/ Band webpages- name changed to “Coopersville Bands”
  • Band camp volunteer tent- first aid, water- volunteers needed.

Old Business

  • Bi-laws- amendments made and approved. New bi-laws to be uploaded to google drive.; no formal audit needed by school- will look into private audit.

Next meeting- June 4th at 6:00p- High School band room.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30p.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Pike
