Marching Band Fee and Band T-Shirt – Credit Card Payment


The most common question we hear is what is the fundraising money spent on?  Most of the camp fee is used to help pay our instructional staff both at camp on during the season.  A portion of the fee also goes toward the t-shirt under the uniform and for items such as laminated dot cards and technology.   In addition to camp fees, the Boosters help paid for Senior awards, pizza before games, Memorial Day parade ice cream, software and website fees, band letters, summer camp scholarships, middle school and high school uniforms, marching band uniforms, equipment, marching band uniform accessories, administrative supplies, Senior plaques, drumline drums and more!  Because of fundraising efforts, last year we were able to hand out over $4,300 in band scholarships for the summer, Honors Bands and Drum Major camps.


Ordering Directions:

  • All students 9-12 need to pay the marching band Fee
  • T-Shirt – Freshmen  need a band t-shirt as part of the uniform.  Upperclassmen may also purchase a new one if the need a new size or lost theirs.



Band Camp Fee
T-Shirt Size
Student(s) Name(s):