Final Reminders for Band Camp Tomorrow!

Final Reminders for Band Camp Tomorrow!

Camp Times: Aug 2 – Aug 6 – 9:00 – 4:00

Reminder – We are starting outside on our field.The building will only be open for students getting their uniform fitted.The building will be open to all on our first break.

Reminder – Check in with Mrs. Karns before finding your line.

Reminder – Leadership Team members will greet their sections.   Line up behind them on their line for your instrument.

Uniform Fittings – Check your time and date.  (See reminders below)

Uniform Fittings – Girls will need to bring their shoes that they will be wearing with their concert dress.This will make sure they are hemmed correctly.

Lunch – Don’t forget a lunch!  Campus will be closed during lunch.

Water – Stay hydrated and bring your own water bottle.Drink water the night before.

Google Classroom – Students – Check you email.You have been enrolled in a Marching Band Classroom.

Bring – Sunblock, Water Bottle and Athletic (tennis) shoes.No flip flops or sandals.

Theme Day – Check your email or for the theme days!Don’t forget your crazy socks tomorrow!

Uniform Fitting

Please check this document for your uniform fitting. Mrs. Sprague and parent volunteers will be ready to fit you to a uniform. Please make sure you observe your time.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Sprague

Band Booster Information – Band Fee, Shoes and other information

Attached via PDF to this post – Newsletter July2021