There was a typo in the dates of the High School Band Calendar that the students received in class today. The students entered the correction but I am including a copy here as well.
In order for us to get any Buffalo Wild Wings SCRIP physical cards in for the fundraiser on Wednesday, September 12th, I am going to place the next order on Tuesday, September 4th by 9am.
The next Booster meeting will be on Monday, September 10th at 6pm in the high school auditorium.
The sign up for the September 7th football game is now updated. If you have already signed up for that date, please check back because some responsibilities may have been added. Don’t forget to get a background check BEFORE this event! It is a mandatory school policy. You can get them at the high school office.
Fundraising opportunity! Invite your family, teachers, friends, neighbors, etc. to come out to Buffalo Wild Wings on Alpine Wednesday, September 12th to help support Coopersville Bands! Print this flyer off now, put it on your refrigerator as a reminder! Coopersville Bands will earn 20% of sales the entire day, but you MUST give this flyer to your waiter! Thank you and GO BRONCOS!!
We will be wearing our summer uniform for the first game.The temperature is for 80 degrees and sunny.
Students must have:
Black Coopersville Bands T-shirt.Upperclassmen have them already and some freshmen that marched Memorial Day have them.If you are a freshmen and don’t have it yet, it is waiting for your here and the boosters will give it to you.
Shorts – Appropriate school length.
Shoes – Normal athletic shoes (like you use every rehearsal)
Thursday, August 23rd
3:00 Rehearsal
5:00 Dinner (Pizza Provided by Boosters.Please bring beverages)
5:30 Change into Summer Uniform Uniform and get Stands Tunes