Volunteer Sign Up for October 6th Game vs. Fruitport

Good Day Band Supporters, we need your help to make the games a success. Please sign up for the Friday, October 6th game. 

We are looking for a couple Middle School parents to help run the swag table during the game so those parents with High School kids in the band don’t have to miss their kids playing before the
game and at half time. 

**If you want to volunteer your time this season, you MUST complete a background check. You can do this at the Administration Office. Office hours are Monday – Thursdays 8am – 2pm. 

Please sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up! – Coopersville Bands


Thank you,

Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters


We need your help to make the Homecoming parade and game a success. This event takes extra help to get the kids ready for the parade, fed before the game, and game ready. Please sign up for the Sept. 29th festivities and donate your time.

We are looking for a couple Middle School parents to help run the swag table during the game so those parents with High School kids in the band don’t have to miss their kids playing before the game and at half time. 

**If you want to volunteer your time this season, you MUST complete a background check. You can do this at the Administration Office. Office hours are Monday – Thursdays 8am – 2pm. 

Please sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up! – Coopersville Bands

Thank you!  Your help is appreciated!

HS – Homecoming Schedule

Schedule for Homecoming (Friday, 9-29)

3:15 Uniforms Begin

4:00 First Drop off for the Parade (We are using one bus with three trips)

5:15 Parade Begins

6:00 Pizza Provided by the Band Booster in the Band Room Hallway

6:30 Lineup for the Game

7:00 Game Begins

All band students march in the parade.  If you are interested in supporting another of your school groups there will be a sign up to wear that shirt/jersey in place of your band coat.  You will still wear the rest of the uniform.

We will be involved in the various activities during the school day.  These times will be discussed during class. 

2023 Chocolate Fundraiser Volunteers Needed

Hello Bronco Band Supporters, it’s that time of year for our annual chocolate fundraiser and we need your help. We need help collecting payments, unsold chocolate bars, and distributing candy bars to students that would like to sell more at South Elementary, the Middle School, and the High School starting Sept. 18.

Please sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up! – Coopersville Bands

Thank you in advance for all your support.