Booster Update…

HS Uniform Fittings on Tues, Nov 27 & Wed, Nov 28: Please have your student sign up for a time. We also need more volunteers! See the link below. Thank you Christine S, Lindsy H and Sue B for your help last week!

Volunteer Sign Up!

$25 HS Uniform Cleaning Fee: At the beginning of the year, we advised that we would need to charge for marching and concert uniform cleaning. You are able to use any of the fundraising money your student has earned this year. Currently we have the cookie sale, SCRIP and candy bar boxes available to earn funds. If you are still in need, please fill out our Bronco Heartship Fund form on our webpage. Checks can be made out to Bronco Band Boosters. This fee is due the week of January 14th. Please have the payment in by the 18th. Thank you.

Five Below Fundraiser: Don’t forget to print off the form before you go. Boosters will earn 10% on all pre-taxed sales from today through Thursday the 29th! Thank you!

SCRIP: Next physical card order is due Monday, December 10th by 9am.

Thank you for all your support!!

Newsletter Week 12

COOKIE SALE – Money and order are due November 27th. Pick up on: 12/17 – 5:30 – 6:30
The bands are currently have a cookie dough fundraiser to help support ongoing booster projects and funding.  More information on the efforts can be found at High School sales go directly to a students trip fund.

Booster Meeting – November 19th at 6:00 Middle School Choir Room.  All are welcome!

Five Below Fundraiser:  Friday, November 23rd (YES, BLACK FRIDAY!) through Thursday, November 29th Five Below will donate 10% of pre-taxed purchases made by anyone that brings in this flyer:

Download: Five Below Fundraiser Flyer

Family Fare Receipts – Keep bringing them in!!

Upcoming Concerts
All concerts listed below are all located in the High School Auditorium unless otherwise specified.

5th Grade Band – Thursday, November 28th – 7:00pm
Solo & Ensemble (7th/8th Grade) December 1st – located at Coopersville Middle School
Schedule will be released on Monday
6th Grade Band – Tuesday, December 11th – 6:00pm
7th Grade Band – Tuesday, December 11th – 7:00pm
HS Bands – Tuesday, December 13th – 7:00pm
8th Grade Band – Friday, December 14th – 7:00pm (combined with choir)

5th Grade Band
Essential elements play along tracks are located on the band website
Students must log in using their school username and password
Hot Cross Buns – Students should be teaching a parent how to play Hot Cross Buns for the upcoming concert!

Solo & Ensemble
Students should have met or have scheduled at least 1 practice with their pianist already.
Please encourage your student to “perform” their solo for you!
Students need to make sure their solo is AT LEAST 1 minute and 30 seconds long.


Fundraiser – The current cookie dough fundraiser is for student accounts that help support the New York Trip.  Information and order sheets are in the band room.

Chair Assessment – Assessment are being evaluated and chair assignments will be posted soon.  It is a long process of grading and it’s important to take time to do it right.

Upcoming Concerts –  December 13th 7:00 PM

Third Payment – Due December 7th $216.  Payments can be made online or checks can be turned in the lock box in the band room.

Concert Uniform Fittings

Students need to sign up for a time to be fitted for their concert uniforms.  These are they following dates the booster will be available for fitting uniforms.  Students must use the spreadsheet to sign up for a time.  Earlier is always better especially if you are concerned about a certain fit. Bring Shoes that you will be wearing with your uniform other you can not be fit.  Use Door C to enter the building

Sign up form

November 19th 2:20-5:30

November 20th 2:20-7:00

November 27th 2:20-5:00

November 28th 2:20-5:00

Band Booster Update and Important Information!

Chocolate Sales:  We still have students that have not turned in their chocolate money yet.  We are not able to announce the Top Sales prize winner until we get those in.  Bills will be submitted to the school office within the next week.  Please turn in your money asap!  If you would like to check out more chocolate, please email Beth.

Mandatory Uniform Check In:  This is the 4th and final opportunity your student has to turn in their uniform.  It will be THIS THURSDAY NOV. 8 from 2:15-3:15pm.  Why is this important?  This will teach the student responsibility by making sure they have no missing pieces and turn in anything they borrowed.  Please talk to your student about making this a priority.  Thank you to our volunteer parents for helping this go so quick and smooth today.  Any questions please contact Christine.  Sign Up to help Thursday:

Panera Bread Fundraiser:  We raised $64.02.  Thank you to everyone that came out, ate and supported the Band Boosters!

Cookie Dough Fundraiser:  Starting Thursday, November 15th, we will be doing a cookie sale.  Let us help you with those holiday treats!!  Your student will bring home an order sheet and brochure.  Middle School sales will go toward the Band Booster general fund and High School sales will go toward their New York trip.  If you have a middle schooler that wants to sell for his or her sibling, please include their sales on the high school form.  There will be a $20 ITunes card given to the Top Seller at the middle school level.  More information to follow on end of sale date and delivery date!

Five Below Fundraiser:  Friday, November 23rd (YES, BLACK FRIDAY!) through Thursday, November 29th Five Below will donate 10% of pre-taxed purchases made by anyone that brings in this flyer:  Five Below Fundraiser Flyer .  Please share with all your family and friends!  This fundraiser is for the Band Booster’s general fund.

SCRIP:  Next order date is Monday, November 12th at 9am.

Boosters Meeting:  Monday, November 19th at 6pm in the middle school choir room.

Thank you for all your support!

Amy Karns,

Christine Sprague,

Beth Mast,

Kelli Norbert,

Karen Pike,