8th Grade State Festival

We are still looking for 2 more chaperones!! Please email us if you are interested at directors@coopersvillebands.org

New York Webpage Updated

The New York section of the band webpage has now been updated with the Final Itinerary, Trip Handbook, and Medical and Student/Parent Agreement.

You can find the New York section on the top tabs of coopersvillebands.org

Booster Update

BAND BOOSTER MEETING! Monday, April 8, High School Room #136, Exterior Door C, 6pm.

SCRIP PHYSICAL CARDS.  Monday, April 8 by 9am the order will be submitted.

SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE is Wednesday, May 15th.  The band boosters will give up to 20% of the camp fee. Please note that camp scholarships are not a guarantee and will depend on funds available.  To submit your application online, please go https://coopersvillebands.org/summercampscholarship/

FAMILY FARE RECEIPTS!  Keep bringing them in!  

BUFFALO WILD WINGS ALPINE FUNDRAISER – Sunday, April 14.  Flyer must be presented at the time of service.  Flyer:  Buffalo Wild Wings April 14