Marching Shoe Exchange & Donation Program!!

Dear Coopersville Band Students and Parents,

Band students are required to wear black shoes which cost $25 as part of their band uniform.  Since kids feet grow just as fast as they do, it seems like most kids will need a new pair every year.  I have offered my time to help organize a program to re-use shoes from previous years.  In order for this to work I need students to bring in their band shoes that don’t fit anymore this week.  We don’t want this to cost anyone any money so I will take shoes during camp Tuesday and Wednesday.  I will organize them and then allow the people who donated to get shoes first if I have the size your student needs.  Please note you don’t have to get used shoes if you don’t want them.  I just ask if you could still donate your old shoes that won’t be worn again that will help us get a nice selections of sizes for those that do want to use this program.

What I need you to do…

  1. Shoes must be in good condition.
  2. Please clean them the best you can.
  3. Tie the laces together so they stay together as a pair.
  4. Please place a paper in the shoe with your students name so I know who donated and a size if the size is no longer legible inside the shoe.
  5. Have student place in tote at school.

Some time this week please email me at with your kids name, grade and new shoe size and I will see if I have it.  We can’t guarantee we will have the right size for everyone but it will be a start to a new program to help save parents money in the future.  I will work with Mrs Sprague to get the shoes to your student.  I will also let you know one way or the other so you will know if you need to order the shoes.

Thank you for your time and donations

Deanna Brown

Uniform Fittings & Drumline Information

Parents – please have your student check their email for uniform fitting times!! The schedule was also posted all over the band area today. We only had half show up today. Please try to make your time so we don’t have more kids than time to do the fitting. If your student can’t make their time or missed it today, please have them contact Mrs. Sprague asap to schedule another time.

Drumline parents. Please ask your student about drumline shirts. They received a flyer last week. Order and money due by this Friday.
Thank you!!

Marching Shoe Link

My apologies. The link to purchase shoes through Orefice will go live Juy 29, 2019. Amy

2019 Marching Band Costs and Uniforms

Please review this important information. Costs are due at band camp. Any questions or concerns, please contact Amy at the following email address…

Thank you! Looking forward to a great year!!

“How much does Marching Band Cost?”  

$50 Marching Band Camp, $25 Marching Shoes, $3 Marching Gloves, $10 Band T-Shirt

Marching band costs are due at camp, except for marching shoes.  If your student already has some of the items above, they will not have to repurchase, unless they need a different size or replacement from previous year.     Any overdue payments will be billed through the school to you starting November 1.  

“How can I pay for Marching Band Camp?” Students can bring a $50 check made out to Coopersville Band Boosters and placed in an envelope with the student’s name and band camp $ written on it OR you can pay through PayPal on the webpage under Band, Marching Bands, Band Camp Fee – Credit Card Payment. Don’t forget you can use your student’s account to pay for these items. Form is under Band Boosters, Payment Form.

“What does the marching uniform consists of”?  The school provides black bibbers (pants), jackets, gauntlets, hats or berets, and plumes to students depending on what instrument section they are in.  Gauntlets are worn on their forearm.   Plumes are a long, soft feather worn on the hat for ornament.

“What does the student need to provide and where can I purchase?”

  • Bronco Band T-Shirts:  Bronco Band t-shirts must be worn under the marching jacket.  These are part of the uniform and makes the band look alike if jackets need to be removed.  It is also what we wear for the Memorial Day parade. Band t-shirts will be used for the duration of their high school career and are $10 each.  If your 9th Grader did not get theirs at the Memorial Day parade, they can get theirs before the first football game in the band room.   Students can purchase these through the same links at the band camp fee.  You can submit camp fees & tshirt fees via check or Paypal together. High schoolers please email if you are in need of a replacement.
  • Marching Shoes: are specifically designed for marching. The soles are slightly curved allowing the marchers to roll front to back.  They are also light weight and low maintenance. To purchase you need to go to, select Bands, Marching Band, Order Marching Shoes. The Orefice link goes live July 29, 2019.
  • Gloves:  If your student needs gloves for their uniform, they will be measured for these at band camp and handed out by Mrs. Sprague.  You do not need to purchase through Orefice. Please ask your student if they purchased gloves or needed replacement gloves. Gloves costs $3.  Drumline and Pitt do not wear gloves.
  • Black Socks:  The students must bring and wear their own black socks. This year we are going to ask for sock donations.  If we do not get any donations and a student forgets their socks, they will need to purchase socks from the Boosters at $3 each.

 “How are students assigned marching uniforms?”  Students will be measured and then assigned a uniform.  During band camp each student will be assigned a time to be fitted before or after camp to make sure the uniform assigned fits well.  If you have marching band shoes, you must bring them for fitting! Each piece of the uniform are numbered. Those numbers will be assigned to your student. It is the student’s responsibility to take care of and keep track of their uniform.  If pieces are destroyed or lost, the student will be charged for a replacement. 

“Do all students wear all the uniform pieces?”  No.  Drumline and pit do not wear gauntlets or gloves.  These items get in the way of their playing.

Pit also does not wear hats.  Sousaphones wear berets instead of hats.  The hats and instrument get in each other’s way.  Berets work nicely with sousaphones.

“How are the uniforms cleaned?”  For the 2019 / 2020 school year, the school is going to pay for drycleaning, so there will be no drycleaning charge this year.