We have added an online/credit card payment option for the New York Trip. Please note to cover the PayPal fees there is a $5.00-$6.50 charge to offset PayPal charges. Checks can still be made out to Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters as well.
The sign up for the New York trip is now open! Parents or Guardians should be the people responsible for filling out the form. Please read the information on the form and from our website.
Chaperones – There is a chaperone interest form available. Signing up on the form does not guarantee a slot however. Some of the chaperone numbers will be dependent on the amount of students and seats available. We should have a clearer picture in the next few weeks.
Tomorrow (9-19) will be our Marching Band Tech Night.This will be some of the only time we have to work in the stadium as we prepare for Marching Festival.The rehearsal is from 6:30-9:00 but we will wrap up on the field about 8:45 so everyone can be packed up by 9:00. If you are a student-athlete and have a game, please let Mr. VanStrien know. You will not be deducted points for playing in a game.
These are some of the things we will cover:
Block C for Pregame – This works best on the stadium field
Moving props in and out of formation
Setting the Monopoly prop and its function on the field
Memorization and Sectional Work
Feedback from an adjudicator on the show
Using Backfield speakers to work on staying in step
Learning to project sound to the press box
And of course, adjusting to the bigger field and playing under the lights
We need help collecting payments, unsold chocolate bars, and distributing candy bars to students that would like to sell more. We will have a meeting in the High School band room Tuesday Sept. 20 at 6:00pm to talk about the details of what needs to be done, please try to attend if you are volunteering or are considering it.