





Article I Name

Sec. 1 The name of this organization shall be the Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters.


Article II Purpose

Sec. 1 The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and encourage interest in the various phases of the band and to promote cooperation between the parents, members of the bands and the directors.


Sec. 2 To lend all possible support both moral and financial to the band.


Sec. 3 We will not seek to replace the responsibilities of the school board but will help in matters suggested by the Band Director(s).


Article III Fiscal Year

Sec. 1 The fiscal year for the Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters will be from June 1st until May 31st.


Article IV Membership

Sec. 1 The membership in this organization shall not be limited.  Parents of the students in the band are automatically to be considered members.  Anyone interested in the progress and development of the band is eligible for membership.  All members can be part of the Booster meeting discussions and can vote.  All volunteers must have a background check completed yearly.


Article V  Officers

Sec. 1 Management of the affairs of the Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters shall be vested in the officers.




Article 1 Officers

Sec. 1 The officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Accounts, and Treasurer.  The length of office shall be a minimum of two years.  


Sec. 2 The nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at least one month prior to the annual meeting and shall consist of a minimum of three members and the Band Director(s).


Sec. 3 The Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters shall meet at least five times per year.  They will meet September through June.  There will be no meeting in December or January unless needed.  The election of officers for the coming year will be done at the May meeting.  The meeting days and hour will be set by the new officers after their election in June.


Sec. 4 It is recommended that one student from the Leadership Team will represent the Wind Ensemble Band and Symphonic band at each Booster Meeting.  This can be a different leader each month.  The Band Director(s) will determine how those students are selected.


Sec. 5 A meeting of the officers may be called at any time by the President when deemed necessary.  A meeting of the membership may be called at the discretion of the executive committee.


Sec. 6 The President shall preside at all Coopersville Bronco Band Booster meetings and shall appoint committee chairman as necessary for events and organize volunteers.


Sec. 7 The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in case of the President’s absence and shall in case of a vacancy in the office of President, assume the Presidency. Shall also be responsible for swag, including but not limited to sales, swag table at events, inventory, and maintaining inventory.


Sec. 8 The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and conduct all correspondence. They will also be in charge of organizing fundraisers.


Sec. 9 The Treasurer & Accounts shall receive all funds of Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters and shall disburse the same upon approval of the membership.  The annual audit shall be made in September by a person appointed by the President. They will be responsible for sending in the IRS postcard before it is due.


Sec. 10 The Uniform chair shall be responsible for handling of the uniforms, including but not limited to fittings, alterations, cleaning, storage, inventory and record keeping.


Sec. 11 In the event any officer is unable to serve his/her term because of health, death or any other reason:  a pro tem may be appointed by the President.  A candidate will be elected by the membership at the next regular meeting after notice is given.


Sec. 12 The Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters or any officer representing the Coopersville Bronco Band Boosters, shall not use their status to advertise any business, unless it pertains to fundraising for the band.  This also entails the Coopersville Bands Facebook page.  The Facebook page is reserved for the Band Boosters to share information about the band, not advertising businesses.  Any posts will be deleted.


Article II Committees

Sec. 1  The standing committees shall be as follows:

           Executive – *6 members consisting of the officers

*Executive Board members must have a student in the band program.

Article III Scholarships

Sec. 1 Students seeking to enrich their music talents at musical programs and camp can apply for a Coopersville Bronco Band Booster scholarship. This scholarship may be used for, but not limited to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, Blue Lake International Exchange Program, Knollcrest Music Camp or any other Band Booster approved band camp.  The band boosters will give up to 20% of the camp fee.  Please note that camp scholarships are not a guarantee and will depend on funds available.  The deadline for submitting this application is May 15.  The scholarship amount will be determined at the June Booster Meeting and you will be advised soon after.  No late applications will be accepted.  Receipt or confirmation of payment needs to be attached to the application.