Marching Band – Playoff Football

Marching Band – Playoff Football

We have been invited and approved to travel to Comstock Park for the playoff football game on Friday, October 27th.  We will be taking the entire band and doing a collaborative performance with the Comstock Park Band.

Here is the itinerary:

4:00 pm Change into uniform and load trailer

4:30 pm Depart Coopersville

5:00 pm Rehearsal with Comstock Park Band

5:30-6:30 Social Time and Cider and Donuts with the CP Band

7:00 pm Game

10:15 pm Estimated arrival home (students will be dismissed after uniforms are checked in)

We are still in the process of figuring out dinner plans.

We will be publishing a Sign Up Genius for Chaperones later this week.

Red Flannel Parent Information and Final Reminders

Red Flannel Parent Information and Final Reminders

The following is for parents and friends who will be joining us tomorrow to watch the band perform at the Red Flannel Festival.

Ticket Prices
Adults –  $8
Students / Senior Citizens – $5
Families – $22 (2 adults max)

Band Performs at 8:30 am



OCTOBER 7th, 2017

5:30 am Band Room Open

6:15 am Depart Coopersville High School

7:00 am Arrive Cedar Spring High School and Register

7:45 am Warm Up

8:15 am Staging


8:45 am Return to Busses and then go back to the Stadium to watch bands

10:15 am Depart Cedar Springs High School

11:00 am Return to Coopersville High School

Students may wish to bring money to purchase concessions after their performance