Chocolate Fundraiser Volunteers Needed

We need help collecting payments, unsold chocolate bars, and distributing candy bars to students that would like to sell more. We will have a meeting in the High School band room Tuesday Sept. 20 at 6:00pm to talk about the details of what needs to be done, please try to attend if you are volunteering or are considering it.
Please sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up! – Coopersville Bands

Thank you!  Your help is appreciated!

High School NYC Band Trip Information from the Parent Meeting

Parents and Students,

Attached to this email are the documents from Bennett Travel outlining the New York Trip that was discussed last night.  We will begin registration next week Wednesday, September 21st.   

If you were not able to attend the meeting, there is a YouTube video you can watch here.

We will also be updating our trip website at with the latest information.

Looking forward to a great trip!

Mr. VanStrien and Mrs. Borst

CMU Day Donations

We are looking for some donations for snacks and such for the trip to CMU this Saturday. All can be dropped off Friday at the High School Band Room or the High School office with a note that it is for the band. Please see the opportunities for help support the band.


Please see below to sign up. 

Volunteer Sign Up!


CMU Band Day – Additional Information (High School)

Parents and Students,

With our first game successfully under our belt, we are turning our focus to Band Day this week!  The information presented below is a repeat of previous emails but put all together for your convenience.  We have extended ordering lunch from Firehouse until Monday (Sept 12th) until 4:00pm.   The $10 box lunch payment should be turned in no later than Wednesday (Sept 14th). 

Band Day – General Information

Band Day – Band Day is an event that for many years we have done as a tradition in Coopersville.  It is hosted at Central Michigan University during one of their football games.  Our band will perform during halftime with the Marching Chips along with numerous other high school bands.It is a fantastic experience for our students!  Students will have the opportunity to work with the CMU sections and rehearse with the University Band Directors.  We also understand that we will have some student-athletes that have games on this day.  They will not miss their games and we will work with them if there are opportunities to do both.

Saturday, September 17th – CMU Band Day

5:00 am Band Room Open – Get Uniform, Instrument and Supplies

Be sure to wear something your uniform can go over and we will wear our black band shirts for rehearsal

5:30 am Bus Departure (Strict Departure Time)

7:15 am Arrive at Central Michigan University

7:30 am Rehearsal begins with CMU Band and combined high school bands

8:15 am Sectional with CMU Leadership

10:15 am Lunch – If you ordered Firehouse it will be delivered, otherwise plan on bringing your own lunch with you

Order by September 12th at

12:40 pm Seated in the audience to watch the Marching Chips

1:00 pm Football Game Kick off

2:15 pm Performance (approx.)

5:00 pm Game Ends (approx.)

7:00 pm Arrive home at High School

You will likely want to bring money for concessions at the game

Please plan on drinking water the night before and bring a water bottle with you